As Christmas is only a few days away, I would like to wish you a Happy Holiday Season on behalf of the Cleaning Technologies Group.  I would also like to ask anyone who reads this to extend holiday greetings to everyone around you, especially those less fortunate.  I, personally, am prone to “random acts of kindness” at this time of the year – like paying for the two cars in front of me during my morning visit to Tim Horton’s (our version of Dunkin’ Donuts and Starbucks where I live).  I also can’t pass by the Salvation Army kettles with their dedicated bell-ringers.  I have been the bell ringer and have seen many people who probably don’t have much themselves chip in their dime or quarter – they know there are people who need all the help we can provide – especially at this time of the year.  I’ve read that there are people who are anonymously paying off lay-aways for strangers at K Mart.  I might even go and try that – especially if it’s for items obviously not “extravagant.”

These holidays are also the most “family-related” holidays of the year.  These days families are spread around the country if not around the world and inter-family contact is not what it was when people were born, grew up and died not having strayed more than 20 miles from where they were born – a practice perpetuated for generation after generation.  Family ties are important.  I am the first to admit that I, personally, don’t keep in contact with family the way I should and feel funny making a special effort during the holidays.  But everyone should make that effort and the holiday is as good a reason as any if you need a “reason.”

Finally, the holidays are a time to reflect on what they are all about.  They celebrate important events, religious or not, and are the result of man’s need to celebrate a belief in something if not everything.  Celebrations are not and should not be limited to places of worship.  Celebrate with friends and family always remembering the meaning and purpose of the celebration.

Again, enjoy and share the next several days and, in fact, the entire year we have ahead.

Happy Holidays!

John Fuchs