I sometimes reflect the purpose of John’s Corner.  It’s really pretty simple – to help those who are interested in industrial cleaning to understand and make the best use of the existing industrial cleaning technology – but maybe it’s more.

As most of you may know (it is no secret), I am a former employee of Blackstone Ultrasonics (now Blackstone-NEY Ultrasonics) which has been manufacturing and selling ultrasonic cleaning equipment for over 65 years.  I started working for Blackstone Ultrasonics in 1968 and, except for a brief diversion to consulting in early 2000, have been involved with the company ever since.  I am now “retired” but am still a technical consultant to Blackstone-NEY Ultrasonics as a contract employee.

Although I am primarily an engineer (BSIE University of Michigan 1968), I was primarily in sales or sales-related positions for most of my career.  My greatest frustration in sales was watching intelligent and competent people make decisions outside their realm of expertise.  In many cases the specification and purchase of a piece of industrial cleaning equipment is a once-in-a-career event – the learning curve abruptly ends once a decision has been made.  As a salesman, I was rightfully confined to the “company line.”  It was assumed by potential customers that I was walking the walk and talking the talk of Blackstone and that my intentions were skewed by that affiliation.  In most cases my arguments and claims were sincere but always within the shadow of doubt by customers.  That is the nature of sales.

When I was offered the opportunity to start John’s Corner I saw the blog (which is more a collection of bite-sized technical papers) as a vehicle to provide a resource for information related to industrial cleaning.  My goal from the start has been to provide useful information without company bias.  To that end, what I write here is not reviewed, edited or controlled in any way by Blackstone-NEY Ultrasonics or the Cleaning Technologies Group companies.  Although I often collaborate with the research and engineering team here at Blackstone-NEY Ultrasonics and others, I make every attempt to focus what I present here strictly on the technology and in the most non-commercial and unbiased way possible.  A knowledgeable customer can use what is learned here to weigh sales claims made by the sales teams of Blackstone-NEY Ultrasonics and others in the interest of making intelligent decisions.  An additional goal has been to provide a resource for those who are responsible for industrial cleaning at any level (management to equipment operator) to gain or refresh knowledge on the topic.

What you see here is my attempt at sharing over 50 years of knowledge about industrial cleaning with current and future generations.  Yes, things have changed over the years and continue to do so.  Keeping up with that change is a challenge that keeps me busy and active.  So, in the end, you might say that John’s Corner is a selfish effort on my behalf.  If so, I appreciate your indulgence.

I promise to and take pride in keeping what is written here non-commercial.  Anyone who feels that I am not fulfilling that promise is welcome to respond using the comments section of the blog or by email directly to me at jfuchs@ctgclean.com.

 –   JF  –