Cleaning Chemistry – Water Based Chemistry – Neutral and Emulsions

Preceding blogs have discussed acidic and caustic based cleaning chemistry.  There are also chemistries, however, which are neither acidic or caustic but, rather, rely on other more mechanical than chemical mechanisms to affect cleaning.  In a capsule, these mechanisms are wetting and emulsification.  The reader should recognize that ingredients that promote these removal mechanisms are frequently …

Cleaning Chemistry – Water-Based Chemistry – Caustic

Acidic cleaning chemistries were discussed in a preceding blog.  Now let’s talk about the second of the three classifications of chemistry we defined – caustics.  Caustics are materials that are basic as opposed to acidic in nature.  The use of caustics for cleaning, especially for removing oils and greases, can be traced to the ancients.  …

Ultrasonics – Cleaning Orifices with Ultrasonics III

Dimensions of orifices and typical contaminant scenarios were discussed in preceding blogs.  Today, let’s consider the role of ultrasonics in removing contaminants from orifices.  First, we’ll consider the “classic” orifice consisting of a passageway through a solid.  Then we’ll talk about some special cases which can have an impact on the ability of ultrasonics and …

Ultrasonics – Cleaning Orifices with Ultrasonics II

The preceding post defined two dimensions of concern when considering cleaning orifices.  Before moving on, let’s now consider how the various types of contamination that might be found in an orifice and how each affects the cleaning task. Liquids – Liquids are common contaminants in orifices.  Liquid contamination can result from manufacturing operations but also …