Spray Under Immersion – Like a Jacuzzi!

Liquid motion within and around a submerged part is one of many ways of enhancing both cleaning and rising processes.  In an earlier blog, The BIG Four agitation was described as one of the “big four” variables having a major impact on cleaning and rinsing.  In simple terms, agitation means moving the processing liquid relative to …

Blog Changes – Login to Comment

First of all, I would like to thank those of you have become “regulars” to the blog.  Having written over 165 “informational” entries now, I am anxious to lift the blog to another level including reader discussions.  Reader comments have always been welcome.  For those of you who haven’t figured it out, all you have …

Water – DI vs. RO

Preceeding blogs have described two ways of reducing the ionic content of water for use in washing and rinsing applications.  Although both reduce ionic content, the process commonly called “De-Ionization” uses a treated resin to capture ions while the “Reverse Osmosis” process uses a semi-permeable membrane.  Choosing between the two in the design of a cleaning process …

Water – Reverse Osmosis

Preceeding blogs have discussed de-ionized or “DI” water, its benefits and its uses at some length.  Today’s blog will discuss “Reverse Osmosis” water otherwise known as “RO” water. RO water is like a second cousin of de-ionized water.  In the de-ionization process, potentially ALL ions are removed resulting in water that can approach the ultimate limit for pure …

Flammability – (In)Flammable and Combustible

The terms “flammable,” “inflammable,” and combustible all describe materials that will burn.  Semantics and nebulous definitions of each have led not only to a great deal of confusion over the years but, probably, to several unfortunate accidents.  In doing the research for this blog, I discovered that there is no simple and fast definition of …

Flammability – More Things You Should Know – LFL and UFL

Although, fortunately, we seldom encounter flammability issues in cleaning, it’s a good idea to be familiar with some of the terms like Upper and Lower Flammability and Explosive Limits for the sake of safety. In the preceding blog, it was explained that three things were needed to produce a fire – Fuel, Oxidizer, and a …