Metrology – Concepts in Practice

Preceding blogs on metrology have introduced some basic concepts which can serve as food for thought.  Today, I would like to give you a couple of examples of the practical application of the concepts discussed so far in industrial cleaning applications. Monitoring Contaminant Removal – Everyone wants to know how long it takes for a …

Metrology – Accuracy and Scale

No matter what is being measured, it is critical that the measuring instrument chosen be capable of providing an accurate and repeatable measurement of whatever needs measuring.  It sounds simple – – but isn’t.  In general, the larger the scale the less accurate an instrument becomes.  Let’s use weight as an example. Weighing devices come …

Metrology – Standards

Metrology, simply, is the science of measuring things.  Metrology is used extensively in the world of industrial cleaning to both control and quantify cleaning processes.  Finding the right equipment and procedures to produce accurate and meaningful results is often a challenge for those without extensive knowledge of the science.  The upcoming blogs on metrology are …

Still Learning and How to Still Learn

As some of you may have noticed, the illustrations in Monday’s (30 April, 2012) were incorrect.  For those of you who didn’t notice, that’s OK – because I didn’t either.  It is interesting how much more thoroughly you understand something once you’ve tried to convey it to someone else.  Regular readers will know that I, …