Happy Holidays!

As Christmas is only a few days away, I would like to wish you a Happy Holiday Season on behalf of the Cleaning Technologies Group.  I would also like to ask anyone who reads this to extend holiday greetings to everyone around you, especially those less fortunate.  I, personally, am prone to “random acts of …

Ultrasonics – Effect of Frequency Removing Particles

A previous blog revealed that ultrasonic frequency has an effect on the removal of soluble contaminants.  In general, lower frequency will be more effective in the removal of soluble contaminants.  Today’s blog will discuss the effect of frequency on the removal of insoluble contaminants – ie. particles. As ultrasonic frequency is increased, two things happen.  First, the …

Ultrasonics – Effect of Frequency Removing Soluble Contaminants

Earlier blogs have explained the effect of frequency on the size of cavitation bubbles and where they are formed.  Today’s will explain the effect of bubble size and location on removing soluble contaminants. Soluble Contaminants – The removal of soluble contaminants requires that solvent saturated with the contaminant being removed must be displaced from the solvent/contaminant …

Ultrasonics – Number and Size of Cavitation Bubbles

The size of cavitation bubbles produced in an ultrasonic cleaning bath depends primarily on the ultrasonic frequency.  The number of cavitation bubbles depends on both the ultrasonic frequency and the ultrasonic power being introduced into the cleaning tank. Frequency – Higher ultrasonic frequencies produce smaller cavitation bubbles than lower frequencies.  This is at least partially due …

Ultrasonics – Frequency – Barrier Layer

The concept of a barrier layer in ultrasonic cleaning can be a little difficult to understand – in fact, a lot of people don’t even know what “barrier layer” means.  In this blog, I’ll attempt to describe what the barrier layer is and how the thickness of the barrier layer is affected by changing ultrasonic frequency. The …

Ultrasonic Cleaning – Removing Particles

In a previous post, Ultrasonic Cleaning – Soluble Contaminants, I discussed the effect that ultrasonic cavitation and implosion play in enhancing the removal of soluble contaminants from surfaces.  Today’s blog will introduce the effect that ultrasonic cavitation and implosion have on the removal of insoluble particles from surfaces.  There are several mechanisms that can cause …

Reader Question – Ultrasonics – “Near Field”

A reader has asked for a description of how “near field” ultrasonics works.  First of all, the term “near field” is one that is not well defined in the ultrasonic cleaning world.  For the purpose of this discussion regarding ultrasonic cleaning, “near field” means putting the ultrasonic source close to the work piece.  It may …

Ultrasonics – Monitoring Ultrasonic Performance

In the blog “Reader Questions – Monitoring Ultrasonic Transducers,” I suggested a couple of ways one might test individual ultrasonic transducers to assure they have not become ineffective due to de-bonding from the cleaning tank.  In an extension of the spirit of that blog, quality control measures for ultrasonic cleaning performance, I decided to check out a paper I …