What is “Spot Free” All About?

Many cleaning specifications call for “Spot Free Drying.” I have always taken this to mean that there should be no visible water (or other) spots on the parts once they exit the cleaning process. The offending spots are usually created when water evaporates leaving behind a solid residue. The resulting residues or spots are cosmetically …

Don’t Forget Drying

In my experience, drying deserves a lot more attention than is usually gets in the design of a cleaning system.  If for no other reason, drying deserves extra attention because it is almost always the most time-consuming of all steps in the parts cleaning process.

Wash, Rinse and Dry

Today’s industrial parts cleaning processes commonly employ at least three distinct steps. The basic steps are Washing, Rinsing, and Drying. Each step is custom tailored to the overall requirement with the range of options for each much broader than one not intimately involved with the technology might imagine. In some processes, in fact, it is …