Is It Clean? – Particles – Harvesting Particles For Evaluation

Although manual re-washing techniques for harvesting particles are effective for a wide range of particle types and sizes, they may fall short in collecting particles that are very small (less than 10 or 20 microns) or difficult to remove from the surface of the substrate for one reason or another.  Ultrasonics, which has long been the “gold standard” of cleaning, …

The BIG Four

There are four basic variables that, combined, establish the success or failure of any industrial cleaning process.  The variables are Time, Temperature, Chemistry and Agitation.  Although there may be additional variables – things like fixture design and variations in the process prior to cleaning – which can have major impact and, in fact, make or …

The Ultrasonic Marching Band

When I first started working with ultrasonic cleaning back in the early 1960’s “ultrasonic” meant 20kHz. That’s all there was! Some very early sonic cleaning equipment used by one of the major automotive manufacturers in the prior decade had operated at 10kHz using a motor/generator to develop the driving signal for some very crude transducers …

The Ultrasonic Advantage

Ultrasonic agitation of cleaning solutions is just one of many tools that can be used to facilitate and enhance a cleaning process. High frequency vibrations are introduced into a bath of liquid cleaning solution by specially designed devices called transducers which are similar in concept to loudspeakers but designed to operate at much higher sound …