Ultrasonics – Ultrasonic Generators – Introduction

In an ultrasonic cleaning system, the device that provides the electrical energy to power the ultrasonic transducers is known as the ultrasonic “generator.”  Basically, the ultrasonic generator converts electrical energy received from the power line into electrical energy with the proper frequency, voltage and amperage to power or “drive” the ultrasonic transducers.  In most cases, …

Cleaning – Chemistry – What Happened to Solvents?

Most cleaning today is based on aqueous (water based) technology.  Wash, rinse and dry cleaning has become the norm.  But, for those of you who are new to the cleaning industry and don’t know, Chlorinated and Fluorinated solvents were the cleaning “benchmark” for many years.  Virtually every manufacturing facility cleaned something using a vapor degreaser with …

Ultrasonics – Transducers – Magnetostrictive Hardware

Today’s ultrasonic transducers utilize either the piezoelectric or magnetostrictive effect of materials to produce ultrasonic waves in liquids.  This blog will concentrate on the magnetostrictive ultrasonic transducer. Magnetostrictive Transducers – Magnetostrictive ultrasonic transducers utilize the principle of magnetostriction exhibited by “ferromagnetic” materials which include iron, nickel and cobalt as well as many alloys of these …

Ultrasonics – Transducers – Piezoelectric Hardware

Preceding blogs have described the workings and principles of ultrasonic transducers.  Today’s blog will summarize the information on piezoelectric ultrasonic transducers and give readers a view of what the real hardware looks like.  An upcoming blog will concentrate on magnetostrictive hardware. Piezoelectric Transducers – Piezoelectric transducers, which may also be called electrostrictive transducers, nearly all …

Ultrasonics – Transducers – Resonance

The piezoelectric and magnetostrictive effects which drive ultrasonic transducers are capable of creating considerable force but only minimal displacement.  In order to produce sound waves of sufficient amplitude (displacement) to cause cavitation in a liquid, some means must be used to increase the displacement produced by the primary piezoelectric or magnetostrictive effect.  In both cases, the key to doing …

Ultrasonics – Transducers – Magnetostrictive Effect

At the heart of any ultrasonic transducer is a means to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy.  The use of piezoelectric materials to do this was discussed in a previous blog.  Today’s blog will describe how magnetostrictive materials can also be used to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. Ultrasonic transducers using magnetostriction as a source of …

Ultrasonics – Transducers – Piezoelectric Effect

Today, the vast majority of transducers used for ultrasonic cleaning applications utilize the “piezoelectric” effect to transform electrical energy to mechanical motion.  These devices are sometimes called “piezos” because they are driven by piezoelectric elements which are integral to the transducer.  Piezoelectricity was discovered by Maria and Pierre Curie who also experimented with radioactivity and …