Aluminum Foil Test for Ultrasonic Performance – Potential Problems

Task At Hand – In a previous blog I declared that I am not a fan of the aluminum foil test for evaluating ultrasonic performance.  I question its validity and relevance on a number of fronts.  If my purpose here is to question my own skepticism, then I guess I should probably define the factors …

Aluminum Foil Test

If you’ve heard of ultrasonic cleaning you’ve probably heard of the aluminum foil test.  The practice of putting a piece of aluminum foil into an ultrasonically activated tank of water probably began as a novelty demonstration.  The holes produced in the aluminum foil by the collapse of cavitation bubbles at least showed that something interesting …

Get a Move On

There’s an old adage – “One Hand Washes the Other.”  Although this adage is seldom applied to cleaning technology, it certainly could be.  In fact, most successful cleaning consists of a combination of chemistry (soap, solvent or whatever) and some kind of added mechanical force to enhance or enable the cleaning process.  If one could …

The Lowdown on Dirt

One of the first steps in the development of any cleaning process is to define and understand the contaminant or “dirt” that needs to be removed. Sounds simple, right? Not so fast! Dirt comes in all varieties and styles. Different kinds of dirt require different cleaning processes. Some dirt is liquid. Oils, coolants, paint, adhesives, …

The Cost of (Not) Cleaning

Why do we clean things?  “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” immediately comes to mind but doesn’t seem quite appropriate here.  There are tons of reasons to clean things but in the final analysis it comes down to aesthetics and function.  Cleaning makes things look better or function correctly or more efficiently. The typical automobile can …

How Clean is “Clean?”

This over-worn catchphrase has been the title or has at least appeared in countless articles on the subject of cleaning.  Is it in need of a well-earned retirement?  Probably, but in its defense, let me say that “clean” is a pretty nebulous thing. A few minutes ago, I pulled up one of the leading dictionary …

Cleaning Is More Than Removing Dirt

In simple terms, industrial parts cleaning (sometimes called washing) is just removing dirt from surfaces. If only it WAS that easy! Dirt removal is only one of 10’s if not 100’s of interdependent steps in a successful cleaning process. The scope of parts cleaning extends from processing of the raw materials, through the manufacturing process …

Define Cleaning

Since we are going to be talking about cleaning, or, more specifically, industrial parts cleaning, it’s probably best that we define what we mean by “cleaning.”  The term is used quite loosely to define a variety of process not all of which are really “cleaning.” “Cleaning” is the removal of the stuff that we usually …

Welcome to the CTG Clean Blog

Hi, I’m John Fuchs and I’ve been asked by CTG to come back from the depths of retirement to host the NEW CTG Clean Blog.  Many of you know me as the “slinky guy” or just “guru.”  In over 40 years working with hundreds of users and a variety of industrial cleaning technologies I’ve accumulated …